The first stop was Dakota Treasures on Rushmore road. About half of the store was beads and such, and the other half was yarn. There were lots of nice choices, but not what I was looking for. She was very helpful though, and helped me find the address for the yarn store in Hill City, my next stop (Let it be known that I had to go to Hill City anyway, so I didn't drag my DH 45 miles out of our way just to visit a LYS).
Wool N' Stuff in Hill City had a large seclection of wool items, including finished garments, roving, and the exact yarn I was looking for. The yarn manager was not in, but the guy at the counter was nice enough. I think it might have just been the day, but it didn't have a LYS feel - more like a dark wool market feel.
Finally, I did stop at Yvonne's Yarn Shop in Spearfish. She was super nice and had lots of sock yarn on hand, but nothing for the shawl that I want to make for aunt Karen. She kindof profiled me a bit, thinking I had only done small projects with big cheap yarn and was looking for more of the same. Hmm... not really me, but that's okay.
Oh, here's the yarn I was looking for:
Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky, 8 skeins of Blue Boy
Purchased 8-30-2008
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